
Make simple travel plans to take with you on your trip.

Tripshifter is a free, no-frills itinerary builder optimized for printing.


Offline Ready

Put that phone away while travelling!
Itineraries are optimized for printing.

Scribble Friendly

Plans change all the time during a trip.
Tripshifter is designed with scribblability in mind.

Straight to the Point

No email import or unneeded bells and whistles.
Just a simple interface to plan your trip.


In 2019 I was about to go on a trip to New Zealand.

It was going to be an epic journey with many destinations, so I was looking for something to help plan the trip. I needed:

  • Something I could print and take with me.
    Wi-Fi was going to be spotty and I didn't want to spend the trip looking at a screen.
  • Something basic that didn't assume I had already made reservations.
    "Build an itinerary from confirmation emails" isn't helpful when still sketching out the trip.

After a fruitless search online, I finally caved and put something together myself.

I am sharing the result in case it might be useful to others. It has certainly helped me, not least when just a few days before departure we had to postpone the whole trip by several weeks!

Tripshifter made it easy to shift the dates around, and in turn earned the app its name.

Who done this


I tried out a ton of apps before making this, borrowing heavily from things I liked.
Some of these are really good, so do give them a try:

Google Calendar Google Docs Google Trips Sygic Travel Travefy Trip30 TripIt